What did she ask? Hmmm, will she wait until I type that into my translator?
What does the label say? Which one is fat-free? Do they have fat-free?
Is this one of those crosswalks where you stop for them or the ones they stop for you?
Is that ANOTHER flight of stairs up this mountain?
All day long, this is what I'm processing because nothing is familiar. I will eventually get used to it, but it's been hard to keep track of what day it is, what time it is, and all the other things I was going to do when I got home. This is what my new life in Portugal looks like. I love it. I'll get it. But how long will it take?
Among the New & Ancient--Portugal

Ola! Bom dia! My name is Gail Ruth Peterson, author, artist, and now resident of Portugal. Step into my shoes each week and take a peek into the challenges, ventures, beauty, the misunderstood, the perplexing, and all the other things that surprise me daily. (And I'll give you some idea of what it's like hiking and driving the seeming 80 degree inclines through traffic too!) This is my new home, a lovely ancient land with modern conveniences and old fashion procedures. I'm adjusting. I'm learning. And I'm taking it all in. Come along with me and taste how this creative is living life in another country.